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"Where Your Satisfaction Is Our Highest Priority"

Welcome to the Dry Cleaning Man's EZ-Pickup Service

With the cost of fuel these days we are all looking for ways to plan our daily errands and driving activities more efficiently.

So when you have that unexpected business trip, a planned vacation, do or don't need a pickup, or if you need us to hold your order till your next pickup day. EZ-Pickup Service is the right web tool at the right time!

Your use of the EZ-Pickup Service feature will not only help us plan our daily route which saves us fuel and that in turn continues to keep saving you time and money by helping us to keep our drycleaning prices down.

EZ-Pickup Service is just our way for you to communicate quickly and easily to us any changes to your normal pickup and delivery day.

Just click on the service type below and you will be on your way!

Ok this is real easy, just fill in the first 2 boxes below with your information and check the desire service or you can use Google's or Microsoft's autofill  feature and your done. If you need to add any special instructions just pop them into the optional 3rd box. That's all there is to it and we will get back to you confirming your request.


Confirmation Contact Telephone#:
E-Mail Address:



Special Instructions or Requests:

As an FYI, you can bookmark this page in your browser and make communicating with us as fast as a couple of clicks away.

Marietta Weather Forecast, GA (30066)